Sunday, May 20, 2007

T-Shirts available for Pre-Order! (+ poster & ticket info)

You can order t-shirts now, but you'll have to pick them up at the event! We'll have your name on a list.

Ordering link

T-shirts are in limited supply, so hurry if you want one! They're $15 each, but will be $20 at the event (if there are any left!) We might be able to order more t-shirts, but only if it looks like we'll sell out quickly and will need a lot more.

Note: Posters will ONLY be available at the event. We only have 20, so get there early!

The link will also take you to the ticket ordering site. Remember, tickets are $10 (plus $1 for shipping/handling/paypal fee). If you wait until the event, tickets will be $12.

The note on the website is wrong; tickets will (hopefully) be shipped by May 31st. Again, May 31st is our goal to get pre-ordered tickets sent out; if anything changes, it'll be posted here. If you order tickets after May 31st, you'll need to pick them up at the door. We'll have your name and ticket number on a list, so no worries about that.

More updates coming soon!


Wash Lives! said...

This is awesome! Just found your site, my wife, daughter and I will all be going. Do you have a photographer for the event lined up? If not, I'd be willing to bring my camera and snap some pics.

Jackie Moore said...

We don't have a photographer lined up, no. We're going a bit overbudget anyway, so we can't really afford it.

If you're willing to take pictures, go right ahead; it'd be very much appreciated! (Provided you, y'know, share them with people. *grin*)

I look forward to seeing your family at the event!